Friday, October 10, 2003

Happy Days Are Here Again

My sister in California -- who was NOT an Arnold Schwarzenegger supporter by a LONG stretch -- admitted to me that there's a "happy" feeling about having Arnold win that's just what California needs. She said something I totally agree with, it feels good to know someone happy wants to make other people happy. It's a very electable quality. Most politicians are such a drag and so DOWN, they are really hard to rally around.

I was amazed to hear her say it. She's very left-wing and very feminist, so I feel like if she's okay with Arnold, he's really got a chance.

Let's face it -- he's an Alpha Male (albeit clean-shaven and we do tend to favor Alpha Males with facial hair here at H's Comment) -- and he's got a winning "let's kick ass, let's have fun" attitude. Hard not to fall for that in a movie star, politician or just the boy next door.