Wednesday, October 15, 2003

For Your Eyes Only

Wow, Betsy Devine points today to Danny O'Brien's right-on notion that in fact blogs can carry on a very private conversation.

I haven't heard anyone express it quite that way, but he's right. I can say things here that are completely private and would have meaning only to one particular person when they read them. The rest of you can stand there and go, "Hmmmm .... what's she up to?" but I can be very private in public ... or is it very publically private?

With songs for instance, I almost never post song lyrics without them actually being a message to a specific person. They are never casual. They are aimed right at some one person.

With a poem, there is nothing random about who I'm writing to. They know. Others probably don't, but I don't care.

With a story, there may be a general audience, but still there will be private jokes embedded that are meant for some particular person.

Is this a medium of public privacy?