Sunday, December 08, 2002

At Church We Pray

We're doing a brisk holiday business at church -- lots of folks to pray for. Kids in hockey accidents with broken necks, seniors bouncing in and out of rehab facilities and hospitals, people out of work, people losing parents, people who were in the pews next to us last year but not with us now.

In this holiday season, you can really start worrying about stupid stuff like whether to get your sister-in-law the red or the aubergine leather clutch purse, and then at church you hear about families with really sick kids. They are blessings for the rest of us. The clutch purse is a joke.

My church has a great holiday service at this happy time of year about sadness, to acknowledge that many of us are NOT feeling happy during the holidays. It's called The Longest Night to celebrate the darkest night of the year and pray for those who are having a hard time during these holidays. It helped me last year, especially since my dad was in the hospital then. Once again, we were all praying for Dave Winer's dad today who's getting better and better by the day. We love praying for folks like that -- the comeback kids.