Monday, September 23, 2002


Well Holy Heck -- Kevin Marks just called me and he's a Brit! Boy, did I get that wrong. When is someone going to create AUDIO FONTS for Christ's sake. I'd love to write email and then put a Katherine Hepburn audio font all over it, if I were in that mood. Or maybe Dolly Parton. Or, hell, go all the way and add a little Bridget Bardot.

If they had audio fonts, Kevin could highlight his email with a little bit of a Pierce Brosnan accent and a girl could get a clue. I mean Helvetica Bold is nice visually., but I need some audio enhancement.

The name is Bond ... James Bond.

I've been trying to call all the bloggers I'll be meeting next week at my conference to get friendly before the event. What if they all have weird accents I didn't expect? Maybe Denise Howell sounds like Greta Garbo. Maybe Doc sounds like John Wayne. Maybe Dan Gillmor has an Irish brogue. Wow!